

Vancomycin Running Over Pneumococci

Disclaimer: this is not a prescription. Using medicines without the guidance of a licensed provider  can be lethal. Penicillin  (be aware that resistance is common) Vancomycin Ceftriaxone (Dont administer infants due to albumin binding.)

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Core Set of Anti-TB Drugs

Disclaimer: this is not a prescription. Using medicines without the guidance of a licensed provider  can be lethal. Core set of anti-TB drugs is: Isoniazid (INH) Rifampin (RIF) Ethambutol (EMB) Pyrazinamide (PZA).  

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Strep Throat Treatment

Disclaimer: this is not a prescription. Using medicines without the guidance of a licensed provider  can be lethal. Strep throat TX: Penicillin for 10 days. Erythromycin if  allergic to penicillin.  

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Treatment of Acute Otitis Media (AOM)

Disclaimer: this is not a prescription. Using medicines without the guidance of a licensed provider  can be lethal. Begin with Observation and supportive care. Unresolved case, amoxicillin for 10 days.Resistant cases, amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid.Recurrent cases...

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Treatment of Pyelonephritis

Disclaimer: this is not a prescription. Using medicines without the guidance of a licensed provider  can be lethal. 1-2 days of intravenous (IV) fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, or 3rd gen cephalosporins, followed by outpatient oral antibiotics.Severe or complicated...

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